The following are the terms and conditions of entry to the 2025 Asia-Pacific Stevie® Awards. By submitting entries to the competition you assent that you have read and agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
The veracity of claims made in winning entries may be audited. Any entry found to contain false or misleading information will be disqualified.
Entry Fees
Entry Fees differ per category and are listed on the awards web site. Entry fees must be paid before entries will be submitted to judges for review.
You may withdraw one or more entries from the competition and receive a refund of entries fees paid for those entries through 17 January 2025. After that date entries may still be withdrawn, but no refunds will be issued. If for extraordinary circumstances after 17 January we must submit your entries for judging before entry fees are paid, your entries will be nonrevokable and entry fees will be payable.
Acceptance of Stevie Awards Correspondence
Every entrant has a designated point of contact: a single person with whom we communicate about the disposition of entries submitted. We will send regular email correspondence to your organization’s point of contact, especially after Stevie Award winners are announced in April. Your organization’s point of contact agrees to:
Maintenance of Your Entry Account Information
Your organization’s entry-submission account on the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards website, through which your entries are submitted, will contain the contact information for your point of contact, including that person’s name, postal mailing address, email address, and telephone number. Your organization’s point of contact agrees to maintain the information in this entry-submission account and update it if and when necessary.
Final Decision
In the event of a dispute as to the category in which an entry(s) will be judged, the decision of the Stevie Awards staff will prevail. Judges may recommend that an entry be switched to a different category, and at their discretion Stevie Awards staff may change an entry’s category.
Disposition of Submitted Materials
Any offline materials submitted as part of your entries will not be returned.
Payment of Shipping Fees
Gold, Silver, and Bronze Award winners who are not represented at the awards banquet in late May 2025 to accept their award(s) will be offered the opportunity to opt-in to pay shipping fees to receive their physical awards. Those who do not opt-in will still be winners in good standing, but will not be shipped their awards.
Shipping fees payable will be as follows:
Shipments within the U.S.A.
• U.S. $42 per Gold Stevie Award trophy
• U.S. $18 per Silver or Bronze Medal
Shipments to Canada
Trophies will be shipped by FedEx International Economy, DHL Express, or UPS and fees include all customs fees and taxes
• U.S. $95 per Gold Stevie Award trophy
• U.S. $39 per Silver or Bronze Medal
Shipments to All Other Nations
Trophies will be shipped by FedEx International Economy, DHL Express, or UPS and fees include all customs fees and taxes
• U.S. $335 per Gold Stevie Award trophy
• U.S. $48 per Silver or Bronze Medal
Shipping fee invoices would be issued or charges placed during the third week of June, and awards shipped to those who opted-in in mid-July.
Publication of Stevie-winning Entries
The full-text of Gold Stevie Award-winning entries will be published on the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards web site approximately two months after the awards banquet. Gold Stevie Award winners will be given the opportunity to redact any confidential or non-public information from their entries before publication. If you should have one or more Gold Stevie Award-winning entries in the 2025 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards, you agree to respond promptly to our request for edits or redactions to those entries before publication.
Notice of Filming and Photography at the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards Banquet
Please be aware that by attending this event, you agree to be filmed or photographed. Photographs and/or videos taken at the awards banquet may be used in the Stevie Awards website publications, news releases, and in other media communications related to the mission of the Stevie Awards.
Identity Verification
The Stevie® Awards has the right to verify the identity, employment and affiliation of any Stevie Awards entrant. After submitting your nomination(s), you may be asked to use an online verification tool.
Failure to comply with these Terms & Conditions will render your entries ineligible. Entry fees will not be refunded.